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  • “Narkomaniyaya yox deyək!” mövzusunda hekayə müsabiqəsinin qalibləri elan olunub

Completed projects projects archive

Ensuring the accuracy and standardization of medical terminology in order to improve the quality of translation of clinical guidelines and protocols received from the Finnish society “Duodecim” UPDATED: 25 NOVEMBER 2019

An agreement was signed between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Finnish Society of Medicine and Science (Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd.) regarding the translation, localization and online distribution of Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines (EBMG) in Azerbaijan. The implementation of the planned work was entrusted to the Public Health and Reforms Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Thus, about 1000 international clinical protocols in English are planned to be translated into Azerbaijan language for the use of doctors in Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that doctors from more than 10 countries of Europe and the former USSR use this information resource, created by well-known medical specialists around the world and based on medical evidence, and doctors from Azerbaijan are now joining their ranks.

As it is known, the volume of new information of the world medical science is increasing rapidly, and it is impossible to imagine the activity of doctors in the modern era without a medical decision support system. The use of new clinical protocols in medical practice is one of the most important ways of applying evidence-based medicine in Azerbaijan, and clinical protocols based on medical evidence are mainly methodological recommendations for practicing doctors.

On December 24, 2018, the to Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines portal was launched - www.ebmg.az. Azerbaijani users can visit the www.ebmg.az portal and get acquainted with the recommendations on evidence-based medicine.

In addition to medical protocols, the portal hosts more than 4,000 scientific articles from the evidence-based Cochrane Library, international databases MedLine, PubMed, a collection of 1,400 medical images and videos, calculators and sound files, including audio recordings of sounds heard in the heart and lungs in various pathologies, users are presented with more than 1400 images and descriptions of dermatological and eye diseases.


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