Students informed on reproductive health and family planning | İСTİMAİ SƏHİYYƏ və İSLAHATLAR MƏRKƏZİ
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27 DECEMBER 2018

Students informed on reproductive health and family planning

Public Health and Reforms Center (PHRC) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan continues outreach activities for the protection of the health of population.

On December 25-26, 2018, PHRC organized educational events on "Raising awareness of young people on reproductive health and family planning" at Azerbaijan and Khazar Universities.

Universities’ officials emphasized the importance of educational events held for the purpose of preventing diseases, increasing medical knowledge and protecting health.

A physician-specialist of Health policy and reforms department of PHRC Latafat Dadashova provided students on detailed information about reproductive health, family planning, sexually transmitted infections, as well as, protection methods against unwanted pregnancy, modern contraceptives. She also talked about negative impacts of harmful habits (using of alcohol, tobacco and drugs) on reproductive health of young women and urged future mothers to lead healthy lives and gave them relevant recommendations.

At the end of the event, educational materials prepared by PHRC were distributed and questions of the students were answered.

The full text of the news is available in Azerbaijani language.